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Posts posted by Mel

  1. Hated to see that happen to Jesse. He’s been running great this year and has run into problems, not of his making, a couple times. 

    I really don’t think there was any malicious intent on the side of the flag man/Race director. I believe it was a human mistake, no different than a driver would make a mistake in judgment. I’m betting they learned a valuable lesson the hard way. I sure hope Jesse comes back to I 37. He’s a good competitor and a good driver you can trust racing with. 


  2. I agree with you Mike, I think the factory stocks would be a cool addition and yes some out of towners would come but, for the long haul HMP needs to do their homework in Harris and surrounding counties and bring in the class with the most potential for a high car count. If that turns out to be the factory stock class, I’m good with that. 😊


  3. Well, the title of this thread is positive, and I like how it has turned to leaving some fond memories:


    There are so many to choose from,


    One particular Saturday just before the new season was starting, had to be in the mid-late 70's. Frank, Sandy & ol' Harold would always paint the walls & stands in the off season. As it was close to the season start a few racers were practicing. Towards the end of the day, Monty Nichols was practicing his hobby stock and lost it in 1-2, and smacked the wall. It was very quiet and Big Frank hollers out, hand that damn boy a paint brush!

    Well, it was humorous then, I guess you had to be there.


    I for one believe there will be many more memories made there. When it's ready, we'll be ready too.



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