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Posts posted by Chico125

  1. When the yellow comes out you restart at the position you were in on the previous lap.


    example: you start at back of the pack and you go into turns 1 and 2 on rails passing 10 cars for the lead. Then the yellow comes out as you blister into turn 3. Guess what you get to do it all again and restart will put you behind the 10 cars you just passed.


    Sorry Dude, that's just the way they do it.

  2. Unfortunately after the 2 1/2 inches of rain earlier this week and now with last nights rains it leaves no choice but to cancel this Friday, 5/4/07 races. Track and pits are way to wet and with no sunshine in the forcast it will not dry in time. We will shoot for next week. Thanks everyone.


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  3. We will be open for practice 1:00pm to 5:00pm. $10.00 pit entry. Spectators side free.

    I hope everyone had a great time Friday night. Thanks to everyone who came out. I can't even express enough gratitude for everyone's support. Hope to see a bunch tomorrow.



    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

    830-569-5919 track

    210-818-4820 cell

  4. Just a quick clarification on a couple of rules....

    Pure Stock - front fenders and doors can be gutted. rear fender cut 2" for clearance. no gutting of rear fenders, trunk box, or floorpan. 50lb added weight for each infraction. 200 lb. max

    Pure Stock - must pull 15 inches of vac. @ 1000 rpm. no exceptions.

    Pure Stock - NO VACUMM PUMPS. no exceptions. DQ and 2 race suspension.

    Pure Stock - MUST WEIGH 3400 lbs. unless weight penalties apply. Then you have to weigh more.


    The scales will be on the slab this week so no more complaints.


    Street Stock - Aluminum intake allowed.

    This is to allow for the SAS guys who want to fit or move up, you can.


    For the Road Runners who want to run we will start you out in the pure stock with the weight penalties for the gutted panels. I agree that it is much cheaper to build body panels and that supply is limited. The weight penalty is really the only way to keep it fair for the ones running full body panels. We'll keep working with everyone the best we can to get a good fit. Eventually we'll get the rules nailed down tight and then everyone can get back to the task at hand and that's racing. I want to thank everyone for their input and support. Believe me, my b--chlist was a mile long so no-ones comments fell on deaf ears. We'll keep working hard to get this place in top shape but with most things, it's not going to happen in one day. (ref.-ROME ). I do however have the capacity to speed things up and that we will do. Once again I want to thank everyone for their support and look forward to seeing ya'll Friday night.



    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  5. Ok guys - we're as ready as we can get. Still a lot of bugs to work out at the facility but we are still trudging foward. Progress has been slow but it will come. Good news - the track is going to be awesome cuz da man said so. IMCA license applications will be on site - IMCA Sports Mod and IMCA Modified will have to have them or at least get them filled out tonight and we will submit from track. You can go online at IMCA.com as well and file.

    new track phone number : local 830-569-5919

    toll free 866-569-5919


    website is coming soon - I've been permanantly ban from it by the website guru. something along the lines of "no touchy dalittle key or chopit dot fingeroff"....I don't know.


    anyway, we'll see everyone tonight. Gates open at 4:00 pm, Races start at 8:00 pm

    Pure Stock, Street Stock, Super Stock, Texas Outlaw Modified Series, IMCA Sports Mod., IMCA Modified will be racing.


    Thanks everyone,


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway


  6. I have spoken to g.swenson, frank t., joe horn, gary among several others. We will make some provisions to allow everyone who wants to "convert to dirt" as painless as possible. The al-lum-min-eum intakes may be an issue for much discussion. I do know that there has probably been a small fortune spent on slicks getting ready for the season. We will have to set some sort of guidelines to allow for these tires to be grooved for this season for everyone. I would like to have a driver meeting with all interested as soon as possible. Don't be bashful - feel free to call me - I am available. Sorry about the mail box. It has been quite the eventful day, from rain out questions to SAS, no matter, give me a call and If I don't know the answer I'll get it.




    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway




    Jamie give me a call.







    I regretfully have to make this announcement but as of this afternoon and with great consideration we have decided to cancel Friday March 30 Racing at Tri-City Speedway. The track was just too wet in turn 3 and down the back straight. Gary and I walked the track and waited until after the rain/drizzle decided to stop before realizing things were not going to dry out enough to keep the track from rutting. Those of you who made new years day practice know that was rough. I feel that for track and driver safety it is best to cancel until track is in better condition. Thanks everyone - I will keep updates coming.


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway


  8. Rain...Can't cus it but damn. Track has been wet since Monday morning. We are set to work the track first thing in the morning. Gary's got his hands full with this one. We'll do our best. Friday night races are on as long as we don't get hit with a bucket load of precipitation. A little is ok. We can manage that just not buckets. Drivers meeting at 7:30 pm...races start at 8:00 pm. Gates open at 4:00 pm. Classes scheduled to run are pure stocks, street stocks, super stocks, TX Outlaw Modified Series, IMCA Sports Mod., and IMCA Modified. If there are any questions about rules or car placement for classes give me a call. Thanks


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway


  9. I heard the unfortunate news just hours ago. I took my kids to their first race at SAS which I'm sure so many others have done the same. There are a ton of great memories for everyone. Terry and his crew have done a great job and always put on an awesome show.

  10. OK. it's 1:25am and I'm just in from the track. To all who give a rats patootee - practice went very well. I even got to run a few and no spinskies. I'm sorry I let everyone down who wanted to see me break my own donut record but that Gary lays down a mean track. I'd like to thank everyone who ventured out tonight. It was a great time. And now the fun stuff! As we've all figured out I'm not on here at this hour for my damn health but apparently just putting a short note on here for some referrence to help everyone with the purse issue just ain't good enough. It's time to get off the little bus and grow a few brain cells people. Garanteed purse means that it will go no lower than the posted amount even if the car count is low - ok. Those of you who can't figure it out (and you know who you are) need to count with fingers and toes on this one. If we only have 5 cars show up then those 5 cars will get that purse. That way if driver A drives from tenbucktwo, arrives at the track to find 4 other cars in his class then he doesn't have to worry about going home empty handed - that's right he'll at least get what 5th place is garanteed. I hate to be sarcastic but after getting phone calls from outside sources telling me they've got 50+ messages from whoever then you need to go back and read the post again. I'm sure that most got it but it bothers me to know that you guys don't have any faith anymore. Well that's ok. I'll keep pushing this here critter along and get it where I like it and then everyone can jump on for a ride. It's pretty simple.

    and now the rest of the story.....I have set up for the track to get cut up on saturday morning. If that happens...well you guessed it....no practice for sunday. If we can't get the equipment there then I will call and post to let all interested know the status. On monday I have 8 - 20 yard loads (that's 160 yards for those keeping count) of red clay coming so as I'm sure you've figured the track improvements get first dibs but I'm sure all the drivers will be very pleased with the results. I hope nobody is pissed for my little primal release of sarcastic verbal abuse and I apologize for that. I only human. Oh yea, thanks Darin - I knew you'd get it. Take care everyone and have a good weekend.


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  11. real quick.... payouts - these are just starting numbers but they are gauranteed: pure stock - starts @ 150.00 / street stock - starts @ 200.00 / super stock - starts @ 250.00 / Sports Mod - starts @ 300.00 / Modified - starts @ 400.00 Top five per class are payed from starting point whether there's 5 or 55 cars but remember; as always the more cars per class the more places paid and top 5 will get bumped up as well. Basically not much different than every track. I will get complete payouts per car count out this week.


    street stock / I-stock : bring the cars and we'll see how they all run together. It will have to be a trail and error basis as I'm sure everyone knows. This first week exemption is for street stock / I-stock only. Pure stock and super stock have the rules and everyone needs to get it right. IMCA Sports Mod and IMCA Modifieds don't bother asking for a "get it right" week. IMCA sets their rules - not me so come ready to go.


    Practice tonight is from 5:00 pm until 10:00 pm if we don't get rained out. We are busting the track and adding clay asap so Sunday practice may not be possible due to getting the track ready for next Friday's race. Sorry but for the improvements to get done we got to make some time for track duty. I will keep you guys posted on this though - depends on red clay delivery.


    Thanks everyone


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  12. Quick update for everyone. New web-site to be available soon - tricityspeedwaytx.com

    my e-mail is chicocox@tricityspeedwaytx.com

    phone number - 210-818-4820

    Track will be getting phone as soon as ATT gets new line in. Will post once it's done. Apparently old line don't like nobody.

    The rain this past week has been good for the track. Most of it has dried nicely. We do have practice scheduled for Friday night, 3/23. Rain predicted for Thursday - we will keep everyone posted. If rain-out Friday we will move practice to Sunday. There is a good chance we will practice Sunday either way....I've had several calls from drivers who can't be here Friday so it looks like we'll practice both days. Our construction plans have been slowed due to weather but we'll keep moving forward and get everything done as we can.




    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  13. It was great seeing you guys at the track yesterday. I'm glad you're feeling better. Sorry you won't make the first race but don't worry we'll still be here when you're ready.




    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  14. Thanks guys. It was a good turn out yesterday. The track was great although I didn't get to play everyone else looked fast and smooth. Gary did a great job this week getting the track ready. We did get some greatly needed moister last night and that will do well for the track this week and our reshaping plans. There's still a small dip in turn 2 to get right. Gary said something about getting new primers and dynamite...I hope he's going fishing. There is still a lot of work to be done but I've found that slow and steady is the best way to tackle this endeavor. We'll keep knocking things out and get the place where I'm sure everyone wants to see get to. I want to thank everyone for coming out and all the support everyone has given us. It's really great to know that all the hard work is worth it. The next practice is on Friday, March 23, 5:00pm until whenever. It will be a test run for the race track crew and give the new guys a chance to get comfortable before we go green on the 30th. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and can't wait for the first race. If anyone needs to contact me please feel free to call.


    Thanks everyone.


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway


  15. Playday for Sunday 2/11/07 is officially cancelled. Unfortunately we've had a couple of rough days. We will be working at the track. If anyone has questions please call. 210-818-4820


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  16. Well as everyone might have guessed, Sundays playday is cancelled. TOO MUCH WATER.....next playday will be Feb. 18. Feb 11 is at STS and I plan on taking a little break, go run the car and get with Owen on rules, get some common ground for the classes and get ready for the season. If weather will cooperate we can get the track in pretty good shape. Thanks


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  17. The meeting on Sunday was considerably more productive than Saturday's. The Super Stock class looks to be a great class with a good car count. There were a few rule adjustment's. I'm calling them adjustments because the rule's didn't neccessarily change or go away but there were allowances with penalties to keep the cars closer and more competitive and to get the cars legal without having to change or spend a butt-load of money to get it legal. I think we made alot of headway to getting the rules nailed down. This is an important class to keep running for this area but as everyone knows it's all about car count and making the racing exciting for the drivers and the fans. If we only have a handful of cars it gets pretty boring. As for street stock there were a couple of changes made but nothing major. I think 3-link was one of the big questions which I must admit I missed it. I wanted to allow suspensions to be beefed for street stock to match the super stock primarily to make the transition from street to super just a motor and tire issue. The changes are coming and will be updated. Pure Stock is still Pure Stock. Build appropriately. I also understand there was some misunderstanding as to where the drivers/cars from STS would fit in. It boils down to this: bring your car up and we'll fit you in to whatever class it fits into. I think the pure stock / street stock comment I made got everyone thinking in the wrong direction. My final comment, " it doesn't matter if you call it the beat up p.o.s. class just as long as you fit somewhere within the rules...we're racing " was the point I was trying to make. We addressed this on sunday and everyone felt that it's just a matter of getting the car's here and get them checked out and put into classes. I really want to thank everyone who showed up for the meetings this weekend. With everything going on ( monster trucks, football playoffs, lucas late models on speed channel, etc. ) we had a really good turn out. If you didn't make it, I'm still looking at a playday for the 28th of Jan. and we will have another driver meeting then. Bring your mudgrips. If this weather continues we'll fish and have some mud drags or maybe mud drag trolling.....that would be cool on the bassmasters tour. Thanks again.


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  18. The Super Stock meeting is still on for 2:00pm Sunday - Location of meeting is at Tri-City Speedway, RAIN OR SHINE, COLD OR HOT. No exceptions, so come appropriately prepared. There will be track registration forms available as well as the parking lay-out. Hopefully today we'll get a little more accomplished. There are a few changes coming for pure stock rules but they are minimal so build your cars as stock as humanly possible....pure stock means pure stock. I am considering a promoters claimer rule for this class to assure that everyone keeps it legal and stock....please feel free to voice your opinion on this. I welcome the input and it could make for some interesting dialogue. A quick note to all the I-stock cars. I am still working on finding a way to fit you guys into the show and in what class. This may be harder than I originally thought but I will keep working on it, somewhere there is a solution just have to find it.

    Yesterdays meeting, was to say, very informative and inspiring. I will get the rules out with any corrections or changes asap. Thanks to everyone who made the trip. We'll see you at the track today.


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  19. Don, we will address I-stock compatabilty. I think it should be a go but I want to get the drivers input and double check that all will be competitive with each other. I think it would be an added bonus to get the

    I-stocks included. If we get enough we'll just add the sanctioned class - 3 local, 3 sanctioned, TOMS, mini's maybe ? (need some feedback on this), and the hot dwarfs that were here. I will call you this evening and give you an update. Sorry about the e-mail, address is the old sbcglobal. I have to update to the NEW and IMPROVED yaHOOOOOO. yiPEEEEEE. anyway.......and it looks like the name will change as well. Apparently there's another chico cox out there......I thought they would have been smart enough to throw that mold away. Thanks for the input and I will keep you posted.


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  20. Drivers meeting is at Bill Millers in Pleasanton at 2:00pm. Bill Millers is located on south side of town - from Corpus follow hwy into town, on the right at first light. From S.A. take hwy 97 exit, go all the way through town to hwy 281 and hwy 97 intersection. DQ, Exxon, Bill Millers are at the light. Super Stock meeting will be the same for tomorrow. Thanks everyone.


    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

  21. Meeting is at 2:00 pm at Bill Millers in Pleasanton. Bill Millers is located on corner of Hwy. 281 and Hwy 97 on south side of town. Coming from Corpus (south) just follow hwy into town and its on the right at the first light. Coming from S.A., exit 97 and come all the way through town to intersection. DQ and Exxon are across the street. Can't miss it. Thanks and drive safe - roads are slick. Remember its asphault not dirt. later



    Chico Cox / Tri-City Speedway

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