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Posts posted by chenley

  1. Race tracks and housing subdivisions  don't get along, never have, never will, you can have a race track that's been operating  every weekend for 50 years  and a new subdivision  comes in , race track is gone  within 3 years, now a race track is the new kid on the block, never gonna happen,  sorry kids, there is a huge housing subdivision  within shouting distance of the track.

  2. 8 hours ago, 24nomo said:

    When bump and runs turn into bump and spin, there is a problem.   Spin a guy two times in the race, he is a bully.  Probably should not try the bump and spin two times in a race if you dont want to have issues in the pits.   Every driver claims he misjudged when he spins someone.   Numerous misjudgments leads to people defending themselves in the pits or the bullies continue to misjudge.  This is not golf, this is whiskey drinking, snuff dipping, camel smoking car racing.  If  little pit action bothers you, maybe gold would be better

    Not every driver Bud, if I dumped your a$$ , you had it coming, I made no excuse, alot of drivers did the same as I did , never looked for trouble but never ran from it either, I will agree with you , it ain't golf

  3. 17 minutes ago, BeachBum said:

    "**** Your Feelings" ... "No More Bullshit" ... "Make The Liberals Cry Again"...

    This was the collective intellect y'all tossed in our faces for four frigin' years!

    How about you tRUMP republicans cry us Biden democrats a frigin' RIVER!

    Take a seat and try to take notes.  It's our turn to dig us out of this GD nightmare...

    (Sorry Nick, Nuff is Enuff.)


    Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, Dems will do what they always do , Obama blamed Bush for the mess, now this one will blame Trump for a foreign virus, give me a break, he was a career politician that did nothing but agree with his party and that was to disagree with the other party no matter how big or small the objective was, I'm sure Harris will be president within a year , after his party finds him not fit to hold office, oh goody.. TIME Will Tell

  4. 38 minutes ago, CorcoranSuperMod said:

    So, after four years of " impeach, impeach, resist, resist, if you see one of them out on the street or in restaurant, get in their face and tell they are not welcome here" we are now to play kissy kissy and all join hands and support  the big guy who is going to cure all our problems that he spent forty seven years helping to create. Nope, count me out, they taught me how we are supposed to act.

    Yeah kinda weird it's all good now, on the news the media said if you disrespect the new president elect then you ain't American, I sat back and said REALLY WOW... I will be like the Trump haters 4years ago, I will never accept Biden as my President...

  5. 18 hours ago, HiTech said:

    my son could lose his job now .my wife could lose her 30 year job .. the gas is going up .taxes will go up companies will leave and we be  right back where trump took us from .. i dont have any issue with someone voting for biden  .the party behind him scares me the most .. the party has already figured out how to get biden retired .. . pelosajoke said so  a couple of weeks back . i dont think to many poeple were listening .... i was .. . i figure to save travel money next year .. wont be going out of town to race . the fuel will cost to much .. 

    The Democratic party will send us backwards not forward , if people cannot see this coming then they are in for a rude awakening, Biden and Harris are just puppets for the left, that's reality not fake news.

  6. America's vote, cmon that hasn't happened since Reagan, it wouldn't be so bad if people were voting for two candidates but they are voting for Trump and not for Trump, Biden just happens to be the lucky one on the other side.

  7. 15 minutes ago, sprintsrule said:

    So if a driver races all of the races, they have points taken away? If a driver misses a race, they keep all of their points? 

    If a driver races every race , at the end they can throw the bad race out, if a driver missed a race , they can't, they have to take the good with the bad.

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