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Posts posted by wallywallbanger

  1. ...agreed and look at the success of TALMS communication is one if the keys to their success and awesome promoting not taking anything from Abel he's been busting his ass with little to show for it

    Abel has done a great job this year and i didn't necessarily mean him as the middle man, there were a lot of ( middle men) involved.... i just hope all tracks can stay afloat and continue to provide so much joy to so many people.... for me, any day at the track is better than any day not at the track.......

  2. I'm a nobody, but i might as well put in my two cents also....

    I'm new to this racing thing and I've been watching and learning and i have to thank everybody at ccs for allowing me to learn and grow as a racer. I have been reading all of this about the rules for this and for that, but where was everyone at for the rules meetings? I remember this spring several meetings and only a few people show up.... now halfway thru a season people want rule changes??? How is that fair to the drivers that were at the meetings and are complying to those rules? I have also watched the management try to accommodate other drivers by allowing some" gray area" around the rules..... Bottom line is.... GET MORE INVOLVED PEOPLE, COME OUT FOR THE MEETINGS, TALK TO THE MANAGEMENT IN PERSON, VOICE YOUR OPINIONS AND CONCERNS.... But that's just my opinion and i could be wrong


    If there is no communication between owner/driver of a car and the management how can you find out what's really going on with that car and why it hasn't been there? A middle man in this conversation is never going to be related the same as the owner/driver will tell you.

    Josh i agree, there is a lot of conflict at all tracks that happen with a middle man....

    That's my point, ever one involved should get together and talk face to face.... all the he said she said stuff isn't helping anyone.....

  3. I'm a nobody, but i might as well put in my two cents also....

    I'm new to this racing thing and I've been watching and learning and i have to thank everybody at ccs for allowing me to learn and grow as a racer. I have been reading all of this about the rules for this and for that, but where was everyone at for the rules meetings? I remember this spring several meetings and only a few people show up.... now halfway thru a season people want rule changes??? How is that fair to the drivers that were at the meetings and are complying to those rules? I have also watched the management try to accommodate other drivers by allowing some" gray area" around the rules..... Bottom line is.... GET MORE INVOLVED PEOPLE, COME OUT FOR THE MEETINGS, TALK TO THE MANAGEMENT IN PERSON, VOICE YOUR OPINIONS AND CONCERNS.... But that's just my opinion and i could be wrong

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