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IMCA Modified heats

Heat 1

82 Rick Green

bd1 Jared Maupin

53x Chandler Fox

44x Brandon Welker

a2 Arien Gassman

56 Gilbert Amezquita



Heat 2

5r Ryan Doyon

8jr Logan Dinsmore

82c Chris Carroll

22 Darrell Boyd

28 Marlin Samford

77 Robert Liese


Sport Compact heats

Heat 1

88 Justin Sittere

70 Rod Tait

8 Robert Kelm

18 Michael Burris jr

75 Chad Miller

21t Shaun Tracy

3% Sam Walker



Heat 2

55 Ryker Hernandez

33 Jamie Garner

26 Levi Hernandez

35 John Thomas

76y Donald Lewis

32 Joshua Garcia



Factory Stock heats(top 2 to A main)

Heat 1

27 Dalton Faulkner

28m Mason Cateneda

8c Cameron Dinsmore

99 Dillon Gaither

30 Memphis Villareal

75 Jerry Miller

02 Shannon Maurer



Heat 2

20 Mike Lyon

92r Michael Keylich

11x Brian Harbison

53k Kasey Krauss

29 Jose Lopez jr

777 GW Hessong

15 Aaron Leddy


Heat 3

36j Justin Whitehead

24 Paul Reyes

199 Johnny Torres

113 Max Calles

34h Talon Minten

3d Robby Minten


Heat 4

91 Jared Maupin

741 Cameron Starry

40 Dakota Hurley

98 Dillon Spreen

538 Albert Medillin

55c Cody Clark


Factory Stock B-mains(top 7 to A)

B-Main 1

199 Johnny Torres

24h Talon Minten

8c Cameron Dinsmore

30 Memphis Villareal

99 Dillon Gaither

3d Robby Minten

113 Max Calles McDonald

02 Shannon Maurer

75 Jerry Miller



B-main 2

53k Kasey Krauss

11x Brain Harbison

40 Dakota Hurley

98 Dillon Spreen

538 Albert Medillin

55c Cody Clark

777 GW Hessong

15 Aaron Leddy---dns

29 Jose Lopez jr---dns


Sport Compacts

55 Ryker Hernandez

33 Jamie Garner

28 Levi Hernandez

8 Robert Kelm

70 Rod Tait

35 John Thomas

75 Chad Miller

76yo Donald Lewis

21t Shaun Tracy

88 Justin Sitterle

18 Michael Burris sr

32 Joshua Garcia

3% Sam Walker


Price Chevrolet IMCA Modifieds

bd1 Jared Maupin

5r Ryan Doyon

82c Chris Carroll

82 Rick Green

77 Robert Liese jr

22 Darrell Boyd

53x Chandler Fox

28 Marlin Samford

56 Gilbert Amezquita

44 Brandon Welker

8jr Logan Dinsmore

a2 Arien Gassman


'Hercules 30' All in Design Factory Stocks

36j Justin Whitehead

91 Jared Maupin

27 Dalton Faulkner

199 Johnny Torres

24 Paul Reyes

174 Cameron Starry

30 Memphis Villareal

34h Talon Minten

20 Mike Lyon

11x Brian Harbison

40 Dakota Hurley

98 Dillon Spreen

3d Robby Minten

8c Cameron Dinsmore

15 Aaron Leddy

53k Kasey Krauss

99 Dillon Gaither

538 Albert Medellin

55 Cody Clark

28m Mason Casteneda

92r Michael Keylich

777 GW Hessong---dns


That modified feature was the best mod feature I've ever seen ! Four tips of the hat and a standing O to Jared Maupin , Ryan Doyon , Chris Carroll and Rick Green for some incredible 3 and and 4 , yes 4, wide CLEAN racing. And multiple tips of the hat to Jared Maupin ,Dalton Faulkner and Johhny Torres for hard , CLEAN racing in Factory Stock. Track prep crew deserves accolades as well. Great night of racing!


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