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Abilene Speedway results 5/4/13

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IMCA Modifieds

A-Main 01 -- 1. Charles Brewer, Abilene; 2. Doug Easterling, Rule; 3. David Davis, Sweetwater; 4. Tommy Fain, Abilene; 5.

Chris Elliott, Eastland; 6. Vince Ogle, Lubbock; 7. Ronnie Sebree, Midland; 8. Donald Thatch, Midland; 9. Marty Sanders, Cisco;

10. Danny Hogue, Abilene; 11. Mark Patterson, Abilene; 12. Fred Wojtek, Abilene; 13. Jim Thorp, Mertzon; 14. Josh McGaha,

Abilene; 15. Harvey Wojtek, Robert Lee; 16. David Brown, Cisco.

Heat 01 -- 1. Charles Brewer, Abilene; 2. Vince Ogle, Lubbock; 3. Danny Hogue, Abilene; 4. Chris Elliott, Eastland; 5. Ronnie

Sebree, Midland; 6. Jim Thorp, Mertzon; 7. David Brown, Cisco; 8. Fred Wojtek, Abilene.

Heat 02 -- 1. Mark Patterson, Abilene; 2. Tommy Fain, Abilene; 3. David Davis, Sweetwater; 4. Doug Easterling, Rule; 5.

Donald Thatch, Midland; 6. Marty Sanders, Cisco; 7. Harvey Wojtek, Robert Lee; 8. Josh McGaha, Abilene.


IMCA Southern SportMods

A-Main 01 -- 1. Justin Shaw, Sweetwater; 2. Gabe Tucker, Carbon; 3. Danny Patterson, Merkel; 4. Shane Priddy, Abilene; 5.

Gary Underwood, Abilene; 6. David Phillips, Abilene; 7. Chad Hertel, Abilene; 8. Bradley Poor, Abilene; 9. Michael Tennison,

Baird; 10. Stephen Robison, Abilene; 11. Terry Owen, Merkel; 12. Levi Ely, Merkel; 13. Clint Pelzel, Miles; 14. Chad Hughes,

Odessa; 15. Justin Boyd, Cisco; 16. David Collins, Abilene; 17. David Sanford, Abilene; 18. Shannon Kellis, Odessa; 19.

Chase Parson, Abilene; 20. Michael Galan, Abilene.

B-Main 01 -- 1. Bradley Poor, Abilene; 2. Stephen Robison, Abilene; 3. Terry Owen, Merkel; 4. David Collins, Abilene; 5.

Michael Galan, Abilene; 6. Chad Hughes, Odessa; 7. Justin Boyd, Cisco; 8. Shannon Kellis, Odessa; 9. Justin Cass, Abilene;

10. Cory Williams, Slaton; 11. Tony Sanders, Cisco.

Heat 01 -- 1. David Sanford, Abilene; 2. David Phillips, Abilene; 3. Shane Priddy, Abilene; 4. Stephen Robison, Abilene; 5.

Justin Boyd, Cisco; 6. Tony Sanders, Cisco.

Heat 02 -- 1. Clint Pelzel, Miles; 2. Gabe Tucker, Carbon; 3. Michael Tennison, Baird; 4. Justin Cass, Abilene; 5. Chad Hughes,


Heat 03 -- 1. Chase Parson, Abilene; 2. Chad Hertel, Abilene; 3. Danny Patterson, Merkel; 4. Bradley Poor, Abilene; 5.

Shannon Kellis, Odessa; 6. Michael Galan, Abilene.

Heat 04 -- 1. Justin Shaw, Sweetwater; 2. Gary Underwood, Abilene; 3. Levi Ely, Merkel; 4. Terry Owen, Merkel; 5. David

Collins, Abilene; 6. Cory Williams, Slaton.


IMCA Stock Cars

A-Main 01 -- 1. Gabe Tucker, Carbon; 2. Kelly Brown, Merkel; 3. Jason Adcock, San Angelo; 4. Wayne Stremmel, Stamford;

5. Chris Graenser, Abilene; 6. Billy Wade, San Angelo; 7. Jim Thorp, Mertzon; 8. Bill Poindexter, Clyde; 9. Billy Lindsey, Merkel;

10. Cary White, Lamesa; 11. Travis Graves, Wolfforth; 12. J.D. Davis, Sweetwater; 13. James Lusk, Merkel; 14. Jack Miles,

Midland; 15. H. Chance Brown, Tye; 16. David Phillips, Abilene; 17. Hunter Russell, Midland; 18. Scott Kristinek, Lubbock; 19.

Willie Free, Snyder.

Heat 01 -- 1. Billy Wade, San Angelo; 2. Cary White, Lamesa; 3. Chris Graenser, Abilene; 4. Wayne Stremmel, Stamford; 5.

David Phillips, Abilene; 6. J.D. Davis, Sweetwater; 7. Hunter Russell, Midland.

Heat 02 -- 1. Gabe Tucker, Carbon; 2. H. Chance Brown, Tye; 3. Jim Thorp, Mertzon; 4. Billy Lindsey, Merkel; 5. Jack Miles,

Midland; 6. Willie Free, Snyder.

Heat 03 -- 1. Kelly Brown, Merkel; 2. Jason Adcock, San Angelo; 3. Bill Poindexter, Clyde; 4. Travis Graves, Wolfforth; 5.

Scott Kristinek, Lubbock; 6. James Lusk, Merkel.


IMCA Hobby Stocks

A-Main 01 -- 1. Bud Ohliger, Abilene; 2. Gerald Spalding Jr, Abilene; 3. Roy Polk, Abilene; 4. Jennifer Brewer, Hewitt; 5.

Ronnie Gregory, Cross Plains; 6. Rodney Born, San Angelo; 7. Daniel Brewer, Hawley; 8. Brandon Gaddis, Hermleigh; 9.

Tylan Davis, Sweetwater; 10. Michael Scott, Merkel; 11. Truman Davis, Sweetwater; 12. April Phillips, Abilene; 13. Shawn

Miles, Midland; 14. Eddie Ledbetter, Midland.

Heat 01 -- 1. Ronnie Gregory, Cross Plains; 2. Michael Scott, Merkel; 3. Brandon Gaddis, Hermleigh; 4. Truman Davis,

Sweetwater; 5. Tylan Davis, Sweetwater; 6. Shawn Miles, Midland; 7. Daniel Brewer, Hawley.

Heat 02 -- 1. Roy Polk, Abilene; 2. Bud Ohliger, Abilene; 3. Jennifer Brewer, Hewitt; 4. April Phillips, Abilene; 5. Gerald

Spalding Jr, Abilene; 6. Eddie Ledbetter, Midland; 7. Rodney Born, San Angelo.


Street Stocks

A-Main 01 -- 1. Brice Marcum;; 2. Joe Colyer, Abilene; 3. Josh Abels, Abilene; 4. Rusty Hinson, San Angelo; 5. Mitch Calvert,

Christoval; 6. Teddy Weaver, Abilene; 7. John Rister, Anson; 8. Jayson Garner, Hamlin; 9. Robert Gartman, Carlsbad; 10.

William McNeely, Hamlin; 11. Eddie Rose, Cross Plains; 12. Jason Richey, Tye; 13. Patricia Brown, Moran; 14. Jason Parker,

Hamlin; 15. Mark Critchfeld, Christoval; 16. Cory Burns, Sweetwater; 17. Jermey Richey, Abilene; 18. Michael Lancaster,

Moran; 19. Chad Chance, Clyde; 20. Danny Rister, Hamlin.

B-Main 01 -- 1. Mitch Calvert, Christoval; 2. Jason Parker, Hamlin; 3. Teddy Weaver, Abilene; 4. Jason Richey, Tye; 5. Jermey

Richey, Abilene; 6. Patricia Brown, Moran; 7. Chad Chance, Clyde; 8. Danny Rister, Hamlin; 9. Renee Bingham, San Angelo;

10. Greg Cohen, Abilene; 11. Brandon Elkins, Anson; 12. Billy Bacon, Anson; 13. Robert Goodman, Abilene; 14. Tyler Tanner,


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