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Super Bowl Speedway results 5/28/11

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Limited Modifieds


Heat 1: 1.Cody Phillips #569, 2.Ken Miller #1, 3.Tim Clonch #31, 4.Jeff London #24L, 5.James Bentle #79, 6.Jeff Benson #97, 7.Bobby Parker #135-DNS


Heat 2: 1.Walter Hamilton #1w, 2.Ryan Edmonds #9, 3.Jeffery Holt #6h, 4.Cody Nichols #101, 5.Dude Briggs #3d, 6.Matt Goswick #121, 7.Chip Graham #5h


Heat 3: 1.Tommy Davis Jr. #17, 2.Tommy Davis #8, 3.Roy Petty Jr. #25, 4.Chris Smith #22s, 5.Wayne Melton #18m, 6.Tony Ross #77


Feature: 1.Tommy Davis Jr. #17, 2.Tim Clonch #31, 3.Ken Miller #1, 4.Ryan Edmonds #9, 5.Roy Petty Jr. #25, 6.Cody Phillips #569, 7.Tommy Davis #8, 8.Jeff Benson #97, 9.Chris Smith #22s, 10.Jeff London #24L, 11.James Bentle #79, 12.Dude Briggs #3d, 13.Matt Goswick #121, 14.Bobby Parker #135, 15.Cody Nichols #101, 16.Walter Hamilton #1w, 17.Wayne Melton #18m, 18.Chip Graham #5h, 19.Jeffery Holt #6h, 20.Tony Ross #77-DNS


Lap Leaders






Jr Minis


Heat 1: 1.Cailey Nichols #102, 2.Eric Franklin #19, 3.Westin Walker #48


Feature: 1.Cailey Nichols #102, 2.Westin Walker #48, 3.Eric Franklin #19


Lap Leaders



Street Stocks


Heat 1: 1.Walter Hamilton #1w, 2.Thomas Weeks #5t, 3.Chris Davis #98, 4.Tommy Davis Jr. #71m, 5.Kevin Hargrove #19, 6.Wayne Melton #6m, 7.Jeff Sonntag #73, 8.Patrick Fields #10


Heat 2: 1.Clint Frideley #08, 2.Tim Clonch #25c, 3.Mike Slemmons #22, 4.Jason Riddle #35, 5.Sonny Dawdy #72, 6.Randy Goyne #197, 7.Dennis Smith #96, 8.Chad Ross #77


Feature: 1.Walter Hamilton #1w, 2.Tim Clonch #25c, 3.Tommy Davis Jr. #71m, 4.Chris Davis #98, 5.Clint Frideley #08, 6.Jason Riddle #35, 7.MIke Slemmons #22, 8.Dennis Smith #96, 9.Kevin Hargrove #19, 10.Randy Goyne #197, 11.Sonny Dawdy #72, 12.Thomas Weeks #5t, 13.Jeff Sonntag #73, 14.Patrick Fields #10, 15.Wayne Melton #6m-DNS, 16.Chad Ross #77-DNS


Lap Leaders



Mini Stocks


Heat 1: 1.Ruben Broussard #51, 2.Patrick Fields #10, 3.Jon White Jr. #8x, 4.John White Sr. #6, 5.Westin Walker #48, 6.Frankie Jones #53, 7.Lyle Miller #151, 8.Rusty Green #18


Feature: 1.Ruben Broussard #51, 2.Rusty Green #18, 3.Patrick Fields #10, 4.John White Sr. #6, 5.Westin Walker #48, 6.Frankie Jones #53, 7.Lyle Miller #151, 8.Jon White Jr. #8x,


Lap Leaders





Heat 1: 1.Wayne Melton #18m, 2.Wesley Veal #11x, 3.Matt Deaver #28, 4.Billy Carroll #4, 5.Robert Veal #31x, 6.Jack Franklin #753, 7.Bobby Otts #22-DNS


Heat 2: 1.Billy Briertion #2B, 2.Steve McMackin #41m, 3.Rusty Trevathan Sr. #751, 4.Keith Hartman #05, 5.John Henry Carroll #41, 6.Rusty Trevathan Jr. #51


Feature: 1.Wesley Veal #11x, 2.Wayne Melton #18m, 3.Steve McMackin #41m, 4.Billy Briertion #2B, 5.John Henry Carroll #41, 6.Keith Hartman #05, 7.Rusty Trevathan Sr. #751, 8.Billy Carroll #4, 9.Matt Deaver #28, 10.Jack Franklin #753, 11.Rusty Trevathan Jr. #51, 12.Robert Veal #31x-DNS, 13.Bobby Otts #22-DNS


Lap Leaders







Heat 1: 1.Tommy Crawford #62, 2.Benny Salazar #775, 3.Cary McDade #113, 4.Steve James #15, 5.Billy Cash #10, 6.Adam Davenport #12D, 7.Matt Rust #21, 8.Amanda Holcomb #50


Heat 2: 1.Brian McHenry #05, 2.Kenneth Howell #11, 3.Jeremy Steed #199, 4.Jeremy Emmons #85, 5.Vern Haynes #13x, 6.Randy Briggs #3d, 7.Big Joe From Elmo #70, 8.L.A. Morris #22L


Heat 3: 1.Wade Mitchell #27, 2.Johnnie Taylor #88, 3.T.J. Sonntag #73, 4.Tommy Hargrove #9, 5.Thomas Crawford #62x, 6.Bobby Glover #26, 7.Bill Swoger #08


Feature: 1.Benny Salazar #775, 2.Tommy Hargrove #9, 3.T.J. Sonntag #73, 4.Johnnie Taylor #88, 5.Brian McHenry #05, 6.Wade Mitchell #27, 7.Vern Haynes #13x, 8.Kenneth Howell #11, 9.Jeremy Steed #199, 10.Billy Cash #10, 11.Big Joe From Elmo #70, 12.Adam Davenport #12D, 13.Thomas Crawford #62x, 14.Jeremy Emmons #85, 15.Matt Rust #21, 16.L.A. Morris #22L, 17.Tommy Crawford #62, 18.Steve James #15, 19.Randy Briggs #3d, 20.Bobby Glover #26, 21.Bill Swoger #08, 22.Cary McDade #113-DQ, 23.Amanda Holcomb #50


Lap Leaders



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