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Ok..Now this is just dumb.


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who cares. His problem not mine heres the problem who cares. If he was a 50yr old ceo would the media even be covering this story.....nope.so who cares nobody ever speeds in really fast sports cars. Had he crashed then there would be a story. I bet nobody that reads this has ever had a few adult drinks and then drove home. Every body is allways hollier than thou. I've done over 100 on a back road in a far less car just sayin.

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who cares. His problem not mine heres the problem who cares. If he was a 50yr old ceo would the media even be covering this story.....nope.so who cares nobody ever speeds in really fast sports cars. Had he crashed then there would be a story. I bet nobody that reads this has ever had a few adult drinks and then drove home. Every body is allways hollier than thou. I've done over 100 on a back road in a far less car just sayin.

Its because it Bush, another reason to dig at him. And your right, if it was joe blow off the streets it wouldnt make the paper. And if it was one of our buddies, we would be asking him about his cool car. ;)

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Maybe he saw Kevin Harvick in his mirror?.....


Didn't Kurt get nailed for something similar years ago?

He probably thought it was Delana. Speaking of Mrs. Harvick, has Kevin ever taken a swing at anyone that was not strapped in race car or had a helmet on??

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it's not like he was drunk, doped up with a prositute while killing dogs. Ya know. I can't believe a guy in his 20's with millions of dollars and access to really fast cars who drives fast for a living would ever go fast in a super car. What a horrible person. He should go to prison for life..........

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Why couldnt Kyle have been in Maracopa County!


I live in Maricopa County and I would have loved for him to do that here. It would be a very interesting outcome with Joe and crew.


Like brother like brother... That is why Reb and I are laughing... I'm sure Kyle followed in Kurt's footsteps with the " You know who I am!?!" Again, I only wish it had happened to Kyle the same way... Let's see if memory serves me correctly? Kurt was arrested, booked and bonded by Maricopa Deputy... Does that sound about right?

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Like brother like brother... That is why Reb and I are laughing... I'm sure Kyle followed in Kurt's footsteps with the " You know who I am!?!" Again, I only wish it had happened to Kyle the same way... Let's see if memory serves me correctly? Kurt was arrested, booked and bonded by Maricopa Deputy... Does that sound about right?

And then subsequently fired by Jack Roush

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I spent a saturday and Sunday night in Yuma county jail in '84 - 163 in a 70. Wreckless Driving, early morning rising sun at my back, me and the trooper were the only cars on the road. If I had the 400 cash for bond I woulda just got a bond ticket and been on my way. Judge gave me time served, 150 costs, no suspension on DL and informal probation - then went and drooled all over my 68 RS Camaro (which the locals were kind enough to store for me without impound).


Yes it's nice to get clean away with it - but I strongly feel the difference - I am NOT a public celeb. With the role comes a responsibility that should not go so unheeded as Kyle did. He can afford track time at any facility he wants to get his "test drives" and speed thrills without endangering civilians.

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He's a kid, he did something silly in a car, he should pay his dues to the state like anyone else and it should be done. I'm 25 with a business and have calmed down now but between about 18 and 22 or 23 I did some seriously dumb speed on public roads just like every other kid I knew. Were not talking about burning flags, worshipping Marx or picking the wings off flys here; he did something stupid but not horrific. The thing about those without sins being the first to cast stones come to mind here...those without any moving violations can act appalled the remainder of us...well it happens.

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From the article:


According to the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles handbook, a driver's license "will be revoked for at least 30 days" if a driver is convicted of driving any vehicle more than 15 mph over the speed limit. A valid state-issued driver’s license is not required to compete in NASCAR.
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So, I guess you all can start thowing rocks at me.


I got pulled over in Hillsboro, Tx this last Saturday night for 87 in a 70. I know, not as bad as 123, but it was in an 05 Elanta, so probably would not have gotten to that speed.


Was I stupid? Yup. Is it something I wish I hadn't done? Yup (though technically, I wish I had not been caught doing it). Am I going to pay the fine for doing it? Yup. Will this moderate my behaviour? Maybe, we will see. (1st speeding ticket in about 15 years)


Am I in the habit of going that fast? Nope. I was in a hurry (trying to get to Kennedale Speedway Park for features). Not an excuse, and I fully accept the punishment given to me for violating the rules of the the road.


Those without sin, may now pick up your rocks.


Bill "Sarge" Masom

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Reb, i got calls after Sarge got pulled over...Now i am having sponsorship problems for being tied in with this criminal..I explained he was just trying to get ready for his big celeb race coming up...,I was told to distant myself from those who thought they are above the law....All i can say is.GO KYLE GO.....,And to you Sarge,.Didnt think you had it in you to drive over 50 anymore......Frank t

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