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Impact/SFI Rules


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I thought I'd share the following request from one of my racing media contacts:



"I'm wondering if there has been any backlash from the Impact/SFI rulings debacle, and whether or not you know of any Late Model racers that have had their firesuits etc. declared not legal for use. I'm wondering if any of the racers we cover and love have been screwed.


Thought I'd toss that out ... answer if you want."

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Tough call for track officials...Is it real or is it politics. I would hope that drivers wouldn't want to take that risk or make the officials the bad guys by disqualifying a suit based on a fake tag, or real tag with wrong date. You wouldn't compromise on your car, why compromise on something so critical? Who would have thought that this would even be an issue?! Prior to this debacle, it was basically just a matter of how many layers you want to pay for, fabrics were all pretty the same right? I think if I really wanted to know for sure, I'd take a lighter to my stuff and time it. I can only assume SFI does it a bit more scientifically, but it would satisfy my curiousity. I didn't buy in on the Toyota faux pas, but Impact has me really questioning their credibility.

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